There's a ghost in me, Who wants to say I'm sorry. Doesn't mean I'm sorry.

Mostrando las entradas para la consulta #WillAndThePeople ordenadas por relevancia. Ordenar por fecha Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas para la consulta #WillAndThePeople ordenadas por relevancia. Ordenar por fecha Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

Will & The People: Gigantic

Esta es la banda que más me gusta en los últimos 7 años.
Te puedo asegurar que descubrí tons of tunes those years!

#WillAndThePeople Best of here @ Google Drive!
#WillAndThePeople Best of ahora @ YouTube Music!

Mientras tanto cocino mis empanadas que son las mejores del mundo para inaugurar la semana de festejos por mi cumple 45.

Ahora entendéis por qué el reguetón no es lo mío?
Tomá, en una de esas te salvo la vida Arjona que lleváis enfrente:


jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

Will And The People: Trustworthy Rock

Here My Best Of #WillAndThePeople.


This is pretty tough,

Living in this petty trough.

(this is pretty tough)

Like pigs inside a pen,

We are just clever hungry friends.

(clever hungry friends)

Waking to a storm,

Made by my own wake.

(made by my own wake)

Storming through the days,

In the nights is just a phase.

We all just started getting high,

We all just started getting high,

Tell me tell me, how did I become the bad guy?

With the million ways to rot,

With the million ways to suffer at the top,

The bottom is a trustworthy rock.

Say hello, say hello,

Say goodbye teary in my eye, in my eye.

Goodbye bye, look you made me cry,

You made me cry,

I tell you why you made me cry,

I tell you why.

The devil is dirty and god is clean.

I see ourselves somewhere in between.

It's like when the world turns upside down.

Like orange and milk going round and round.

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Will And The People: Train


Mencanta my summer 2013 con #WillAndThePeople!

Y por aquí la cancioncita original que es bellíssima.